Monday, January 24, 2022

An Age Without Heroes

    It is quite ironic that we live in the disney-superhero era of media, when it's precisely the time when we should be evolving beyond heroes. For all of recorded history we've lived with this story of "the hero's journey"... it infects every social identity and institution... from military glory-seeking-battle/metal-tested-character-building warriors, to risk-taking entrepreneurs, to holy prophets, to pop icons. Heroes are a myth, a fictional archetype we can not and should not strive to mimic.

    So, am I saying that nobody should strive to go that "extra mile"... obviously not, I'm saying what we REALLY need is to accept the idea that we are ALL part of society, we are not watching from afar while good and evil battle... WE make this society and WE need to start working together to get it back to a sane state. We need an AGE WITHOUT HEROES. We must stop seeing ourselves as powerless, to be ruled over, to exist at the whims of the rich and powerful... but also, not as the hero of our own narrative... not victims, nor martyrs, nor conquerors.

    In order for a prosperous civilization to exist, we need everyone to do their part, we need wise teachers, compassionate doctors, truth-worthy administrators, honorable officers... all working together to make sure we are progressing, preparing the next generation, and minimizing suffering. A truly functioning society should have no heroes; it should create healthy humans and its systems should incentivize and facilitate healthy outcomes.

    We all want to be inspired, but life is exciting enough if we create a world where we don't have to constantly escape reality. We shouldn't have to retreat to books, or tv shows, or movies, or internet memes. We have an actual Universe to explore if we can get out of our way, stop letting a minority few create the dystopia we are in. Start getting involved, start improving your knowledge, start participating in our systems. We must collectively "become the change we want to see in the world."

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
