Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Establishment Vision For The Future

I've recently been exposed to Establishment "perspectives" of the future, and knowing them allows us to understand what they do and why; this is especially useful for those of us who don't believe in their vision(s). First of all, their visions are not people focused... they don't care about dreams, about suffering, about equality... they are based on POWER. Now, there are two "camps" of their vision, we'll call them the "optimistic" and the "pessimistic" versions for simplicity.

The "optimistic" version goes something like this: the world mostly works well right now, but we're moving towards an entangled and completely globalized world with Corporate structure as its basis. Nations will become less and less relevant as they simply become too economically dependent on one another to war on one another, and eventually we'll all just fracture into regional units of consumption defined by our natural resources and human capital. Eventually, all human organization will boil down to their usefulness to the supply chain and our God, the "market." Of course all "externalities" such as pollution and climate change will magically be averted, or substantially mitigated, by "innovation."

Now, there are some things in there that are appealing... I, too, believe in a world that is "interconnected," but not in the dystopian and exploitative way they envision. I, too, believe we can end war, but I believe that it should be based on cooperation, progress, and preservation, more than just fear and desperation. I, too, believe that we will evolve into more elemental regional units of human organization, but based on carrying capacity of regions and sustainability, rather than resource extraction and quantity/quality of labor. I would also point out that "innovation" isn't something that our current system produces... it happens IN SPITE of our current system, largely due to the natural understanding that education, technical and ethical progress are important for everyone... and we try to fund/grow those things despite corporate forces trying to destroy/co-opt/privatize them.

The "pessimistic" version goes something like this: we are comfortable the way things are and aren't willing to change the system in the drastic ways needed to stop climate destabilization. Therefore, we will hoard money and resources, pull away as many "ladders" behind us, because there will only be a limited number of inhabitable places in a world of 4+ degrees Celsius increase. Instead of investing in sustainability, we will invest in, and recruit for, a strong military, in anticipation of water-wars, mass migration, and massive unrest that will come due to climate change. We will glorify the military, suggest that military service is preferable to higher education... in fact we will suggest that higher education is completely useless and that seeking knowledge for its own sake is a fools errand... finding "employment" and serving your tribe is the only acceptable use of time and effort.

The biggest problem with this vision is the complete disconnection from reality; the idea that we can just continue to retreat from the destruction of our planet and ecosystem, and never really address it. It also fails to understand the horrors of war and empire... or acknowledge that perhaps we shouldn't use a "hammer" to try to fix all our problems.

Just a couple of last points: I'd like to point out that these are "visions" for those that even have them. Many of the "elite" are largely just selfish and greedy sociopaths, looking for the easiest buck, with no real ideology or vision at all. The good thing is, the latter can largely be defeated with simple legislation/policy changes; banning private money from elections/governance and heavily penalizing bribery/corrupt activities will be enough to drive them to find profit through easier means. The difficult fight is against the truly ideological Corporatists... the ones willing to buy media empires and change the narratives for generations. We must have a sound vision of a healthy society, so we know where we want to go. We must also "know thine enemy" and the narratives they want to indoctrinate everyone with, so we can fight them effectively.

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