Monday, February 24, 2020

Billionaire Palpatine - Don't Do It

Since billionaires are in the media at the moment, it's important to understand what's happening and how to think about it. The core concept behind our acceptance of billionaires is INCENTIVE. People THINK our incentive structure makes people try harder, it doesn't, it often discourages them and rewards manic, power-hungry sociopaths...that sounds like hyperbole but it's not, to acquire wealth on that level requires the exploitation of legions of other humans and the annexation of the rewards from their productivity.

Chicken study summary:
Put all the "successful/highest yield" hens together, they destroy each other and society.
They appear "successful" by subjugating and oppressing the other hens.
Overall yields go up with all cooperative hens, and this is PRACTICED in that industry.

For context, this video was made in the defense of "group selection," which I am not advocating, but its demonstration of the flawed logic in our "incentive structure" is what I'm focusing on.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
