Monday, March 23, 2020
Will People Like Amy Introspect?
Amy Klobuchar stood on the debate stage and said Single Payer Healthcare was pie in the sky...she was ready to, nay eager to, allow 68,000 people to die each year from lack of health care. She didn't care that 500,000 go backrupt each year due to medical expenses. Now, her husband is in the hospital with the Corona virus...and while I do not wish these things on anyone, I do wonder if she can now see how important healthcare is...I wonder if she takes two seconds to reflect on what she has done with her power in the government. Will anyone in power ever stop to reflect on the things they do, or don't do, that have such a huge impact on the people they are supposed to represent? Do they realize they are squandering the power they have been given, and that THEY are the reason we are woefully unprepared, have such a corrupt system, and have seen no progress in our institutions.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Pay Attention: Corona Will Enlighten You
As Corona spreads, it will expose our "Welfare for the Wealthy" system as we nail bite over the Stock Markets...meanwhile Airlines and other Corporations will get subsidized and supported, while regular citizens are left to die in the streets. As Corona spreads, you will see our failure of a "health care" system, as price gouging continues and large portions of our society have no access to heath care at all. As Corona spreads, you'll see our self-interested government "manage their reputations" rather than SOLVING the problem, as their pundits cry "big government" and de-fund necessary institutions like the Center For Disease Control (CDC). All the while, the very reasonable SOLUTIONS to all these problems will be labeled "radical socialist agendas" by pundits and media networks, and any attempts to get candidates into office who will solve these problems will be met with "Red Baiting" and those candidates deemed "unelectable."
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
America Is Sleepwalking To Our Demise
I can't believe people are voting for Biden in the primary. He will make NONE of the needed changes to avoid ruin and/or extinction, he has a horrible record, and he is so senile he can't even get a full sentence out. Even if he beats Trump...which seems unlikely...what will we have? More of the same, our steady sleepwalk off a cliff.
Monday, March 9, 2020
DCs Version Of Feminism
I was watching Supergirl...and they gave her tight pants as a sign of progress? Why is it that wearing a skirt is considered anti-progress but painting your face like a clown is fine. So showing the legs is shameful but applying massive amounts of colored, synthetic chemicals to your face is somehow liberating? We must stop accepting these ancient conceptions about what is okay and what is not. We must use rationality and volition to decide what is reasonable and not let someone impose their preferences and dislikes upon us.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Democratic Unity Is Propaganda
There is no such thing as Centrist and Progressive unity. NO candidate can bridge that gap, they are fundamentally opposing views and any talk otherwise is only provided to confuse you. If you embrace one view, you are opposed to the other, period. So let's all stop pretending we don't know this, and stop letting the Establishment use this excuse to bully uninformed voters to pick a Centrist. We keep letting our enemies control the narrative, and we need to stop pretending they are acting in good faith. The new generations must be taught, not only to use logic and evidence, but to discern between deceitful and honest actors. This needs to be taught in school from an early age...we can no longer afford to have a gullible citizenry.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Perfect Recipe For Non-Progress
Progress happens for two reasons, wisdom and/or struggle. Unfortunately wisdom is in short supply (usually requiring a rare mixture of education, experience, and empathy), and those who are struggling are often uninformed and easily manipulated by a dishonest media controlled by the well-served. Therefore we are left with a very small base for those who pursue progress. We live in an insane System where progress depends on the Wise begging the Comfortable and the Ignorant for permission to create change and being denied at every turn. The System must fundamentally change if we are to survive, let alone progress.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Corona Beer
Buy a case in protest of stupid Americans who can't tell the difference between a pandemic and a beer brand.
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