Monday, March 23, 2020

Will People Like Amy Introspect?

Amy Klobuchar stood on the debate stage and said Single Payer Healthcare was pie in the sky...she was ready to, nay eager to, allow 68,000 people to die each year from lack of health care. She didn't care that 500,000 go backrupt each year due to medical expenses. Now, her husband is in the hospital with the Corona virus...and while I do not wish these things on anyone, I do wonder if she can now see how important healthcare is...I wonder if she takes two seconds to reflect on what she has done with her power in the government. Will anyone in power ever stop to reflect on the things they do, or don't do, that have such a huge impact on the people they are supposed to represent? Do they realize they are squandering the power they have been given, and that THEY are the reason we are woefully unprepared, have such a corrupt system, and have seen no progress in our institutions.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
