Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Scrubbing History

Colin Powell died recently, and while he is not the worst person in his circle, he was horrible and did undeniable damage to our world. Normally, Powell would not rise to a level of importance that I'd feel the need to talk about him, but the MEDIA can not stop singing praise and whitewashing history...so I feel the need to at least remind people that he was deeply involved in the Iraq War. He pushed (now debunked) lies that Iraq was readying biological agents and nuclear materials to use against us/the world...the so-called "Weapons of Mass Destruction." Again, this war cost the lives of about a MILLION Iraqis (many innocent civilians), and countless US soldiers as well. Even after helping get us into this murderous, oil-stealing, nonsense foreverWAR, he continued to be a direct military participant and popped up for strategy presentations and other propaganda efforts. Egregiously, years later he tried to pretend he was never for the war, told us the Bush-Cheney administration was a force for good, and never fully repented for his crimes or the crimes of the administrations he served.

Now look, can people get things wrong...yes, but your due diligence is measured proportionally to your position of power. This man was a General in the U.S. Military...it is his job to find accurate information and make intelligent decisions regarding military operations. The Media keeps talking about the "Powell Doctrine"...look, I'm tired of people calling out the damage AFTER THEY CAUSE IT. Eisenhower created the Military Industrial Complex, then warned us about it...TOO LATE; Woodrow Wilson created the current central banking system in the U.S., then warned us about the abuse by banks...TOO LATE. I give them all very little credit for bringing the threat into existence...then saying it's bad.

We must not continue to let these people DO massive harm, I don't give two sh*ts what they say before or after. Stop doing the harm.

We must also not let them CHANGE the story after they do the harm. You see it in who actually defeated Nazi Germany in WWII (the Soviet Union under Stalin), to "The Big Lie," to Christopher Columbus, to racism and Civil Rights...they keep trying to suppress/change historical facts. We must protect the facts, and share it with the next generation, however great or terrible the facts are, whether we like them or not. That is how we progress as a civilization.

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I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
