Saturday, July 16, 2022

Codification Of Wisdom

As we have seen with the Supreme Court striking down women's reproductive rights, we can't continue to leave laws to be endlessly interpret-able. When societies were less complex, having ambiguous and flexible laws that could be shoehorned to fit the time (like the U.S. Constitution) more or less worked. Now, with an ever more globally interconnected society (and with plenty of documented history about the intricacies of power, corruption, manipulation, and intentionality), we must begin a phase of civilization in which our laws are JUSTIFIED, not just proclaimed and "interpreted." We must agree that laws are there to do something VERY specific, and they must prove through reason, evidence, and in PRACTICE, that they achieve their stated purpose. We must make Government a tool of the people, not special interests. It must be mandated to, and empowered to, serve the good of the people... not corporations, not the rich and powerful, not a certain ethnicity, gender, or religion... but the greater good of all people.

But until we can do complete reform...

The Courts and the lobbyists behind them won't stop at changing social laws... the Corporatists have had their eye on one particular change for ages, that is destroying the "Commerce Clause." It is the foundation from which the Government derives its power to regulate private (i.e. Corporate) powers.

As it stands now, everything is on the chopping block... and the obvious solution, Constitutional change, has serious roadblocks... but however difficult, a few things that we definitely need to work on CODIFYING into law are:

    -Voting Rights, publicly funded, fair elections
    -Our ability to protect the Environment
    -Our ability to Regulate private powers when they have adverse effects on our institutions or large populations
    -Extreme punishment for Corruption
    -Universal Free Speech (not just government)
    -Explicit Freedom FROM religion (no favoritism, tax exemptions, or special privileges)
    -Publicly funded, but Independently operated Media, transparently audited for strong journalistic standards by third parties

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
