Friday, October 5, 2018

How Can Progress Win

    I've been wanting the "left" to be more effective in winning political battles...and how do the politicians decide to try? Not by drafting or passing legislation that will help people, not by removing corruption that can uncripple our system, not by adopting progressive ideals that are extremely popular and winning elections...they decide to throw sexual assault victims under a bus and poison their cause by dragging it into the political sphere to die as a poisoned tribal issue. They've glorified they can do nothing and put all the responsibility on the public that entrusted THEM to fix things. Why do people have to protest to communicate their will to THEIR "representatives?" Politicians are serving themselves, not the people.
    So what are some solutions... well the most efficient form of governance is a order is given and it is carried out. The problem is you often get the wrong Dictator...and you become efficient at regression or malice. Cross that one off the list. Then there are those that will throw out the question: "why don't YOU run?" The political process has been corrupted to be exclusive to elites, it requires time and money that most don't also requires a public bullshitting ability since the system is not focused on solving problems, but 24/7 news cycles and personality worship or assassination. On the other side, everyone expresses worry at what will happen if the people have more a Direct Democracy; everyone says it will be "mob rule"...but at this point what are the elites doing that is better? Our system is a joke, they can't find consensus, they aren't able to protect the planet, our system, or create any meaningful progress...I'm not sure monkeys throwing darts would be any less effective at this point. They aren't even effectively deluding the public...we are getting screwed and we feel it excruciatingly.
    We must get past all this, and focus on solutions...we must get organized...we must improve our understanding of the world, we must learn to grant more "good will" and effectively communicate, we must learn to evaluate and craft arguments, we must all have the humility to be lifelong students and not make everything about ourselves. This is the obvious path forward, do humans have the maturity to follow it?

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
