Mainstream Media has largely created Trump. They've under no uncertain terms, said how much they love him and profit from his presence. So why now is there non-stop coverage of his take-down? They see the country shifting...and they don't like it, they want someone who will champion the status quo that brings them billions. They know there is a swelling of people that realize neo-liberal philosophy and policy is largely to blame for the corrupt system we have, and rather than have that grassroots tidal wave crash down upon the system they love, they want to misdirect people to a straw-man to blame. They are running cover for soulless, corporate politicians, who believe in nothing and will sell their services to the highest bidder.
We can't let the media distract us from the REAL and SYSTEMIC problems. While Trump is horrible, he is a product of this system and without major changes to the system, another like him, or worse, is sure to come. Stop blaming, start identifying the systemic problems and creating policy that addresses core mechanisms that can correct our direction. Learn to think critically, use logic, and Bayesian probability. Inform yourselves of the history and reality in which you live. Shed all identities, be only a good person...and you will succeed in all the roles you take on. For a practical methodology you can begin EVERY time.
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