Friday, July 3, 2020

Responsibility Austerity

We've long known that our politicians are captured by corporate interests and we are regularly subjected to economic austerity:
The first thing that was done for this pandemic was complete socialization of our banking and finance system (for corporations)...trillions of dollars given to corporations...public money was poured into private pharmaceutical and medical research companies...and what do we have to show for it? No testing, no tracing, still a huge shortage of protective equipment for our medical workers (no supply chain action), companies telling us they will charge us a fortune for treatments/vaccines (if they even create one)...even though public money was used and fast-tracking of testing was given to them.

But now the government won't even do common sense things like address a pandemic. The newest push is for them to put all responsibility on mask wearing. Let me be clear, masks are very effective and I'm for people wearing them, voluntarily or mandated for the duration of this pandemic. However, this signals the complete acceptance that our leaders are doing nothing...and we are going to let them do nothing. I'm not just talking about Trump either...we've known from the start we can't trust his leadership...but what about governors, mayors, senators...where are the meetings between all of them to get nationwide testing, tracing, and quarantining coordinated and implemented...nothing.

We've allowed the economic elite to impose economic austerity on us, and now we are allowing the political elite to impose responsibility austerity on us.

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I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
