Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Movement Away From Reality

I hate to put it in political terms because delusion seems to exist across the political denial is rampant...but it is just easy to see the phenomena when you realize that the Democrats have the policy positions of Republicans of yesteryear...and the Republicans literally have Nazis marching for their policy positions on the regular. Many historians call it "shift to the Right" but really it's just a shift away from accurately seeing reality.

When we fight fascism...the fascists cry's bizarre. When we try to fight economic insanity...the cult of neo-liberalism cries that unsustainable, hyper-self-interested, infinite growth paradigms are the only viable systems. When we try to get peace...the neo-cons scarily shout that war is peace and peace is war. When we peacefully protest, the "brown shirts" meet us with violence...then call us violent. The answer to gun violence is more guns... The answer to ignorance is more censorship... The answer to poverty is more austerity for the poor and more welfare for the rich... We have gone insane and have lost sight of all reality. We must go back to first principles...logic, reason, evidence based beliefs, intellectual honesty, learning to determine motivations...and generally questioning everything. We should all be lifelong students...always learning, always becoming more ethical, always striving to be less biased, always growing our understanding of the universe and our nature.

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Corrupts Absolutely

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” -  Upton Sinclair The truth abo...
