Friday, August 21, 2020

Yes We Can

"Let's Make America Great Again" – Ronald Reagan
"It's Morning Again in America" – Ronald Reagan
"Read My Lips, No New Taxes" – George H. W. Bush
"For People, for a Change" – Bill Clinton
"It's Time to Change America" – Bill Clinton
"Putting People First" – Bill Clinton
"It's the economy, stupid" – Bill Clinton
"Stand by the President" – George H. W. Bush
"A Proud Tradition" – George H. W. Bush
"America First" – Pat Buchanan
"Building a bridge to the twenty-first century" – Bill Clinton
"Leadership for the New Millennium" – Al Gore
"Prosperity and Progress" – Al Gore
"A Safer World and a More Hopeful America" – George W. Bush
"Let America Be America Again" – John Kerry
"Yes We Can" – Barack Obama
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" – Barack Obama
"Change We Can Believe In" – Barack Obama
"Hope and Change" - Barack Obama
"Country First" – John McCain
"Forward" – Barack Obama
"Restore Our Future" – Mitt Romney
"Restore America Now" – Ron Paul
"Make America Great Again!" – Donald Trump (Reagan Redo)
"I'm With Her" – Hillary Clinton
"Stronger Together" – Hillary Clinton
"A Future To Believe In" – Bernie Sanders
"Not me. Us." – Bernie Sanders
”Build back better”  – Joe Biden

The Platitudes flow eternal...progress never comes. We keep letting these cowards and charlatans give us false promises and deceitful narratives. They aren't even creative or original...we are so dumb we fall for it anyway. If they can capture you with cheap catch-phrases, we're's too easy. We must improve our Critical Thinking skills...we must improve our knowledge of our reality and of history. If we don't/can't rise above propaganda and cheap psychological tricks...we are enslaved until the day we go extinct. Listen up, nobody is coming to save you...improve yourself, organize yourselves, and improve society, now.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Capitalism Is Social-Darwinism

I hate that people call Capitalism an "economic system," to "economize" means to make more efficient, to avoid waste, and to conserve... it does the opposite. Also, what makes people think that "free markets" means anything other than "every man for himself"...that's an anti-system and proven not to be a good way to run any large population. Basically, Capitalism is a distorted form of Social-Darwinism (not to be confused with Natural Selection, an ACTUAL scientific theory proposed by Charles Darwin). Social-Darwinism, and hence Capitalism, is an incorrectly understood and applied, distortion, of what science tells us about evolution. It hides behind the legitimacy of science (which it does not earn), and also hides behind the mysterious religiosity of "the invisible hand"...a psychological tool that allows them to claim that it is so complex, they need not try to figure it out.

In reality we have the tools and historical records to assess our resource usage, distribution, carefully weigh that against our ethical concerns/values, and address the complexity that comes with an interconnected and interdependent planetary species. I'm tired of this lazy religion we call Capitalism, and it needs to be greatly reformed at the least, and ground-up rethought at best.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

One Party To Rule Them All

The DNC has made clear the new strategy for Democrats and Republicans...and that is become the new Republican Party under the name of "Democrats." The want to solidify political thought and policy into conservative, neo-liberal, "end of history" stagnation. They want to solidify liberal religiosity. They want to continue Imperialist aggression. They want to continue McCarthyism. The DNC Convention is just a multi-day "ring kissing" session for Biden and jingoism parade.

As the divergence continues between the people who hold power and the will of the people...I don't know how they intend to keep this strategy up...but I hope they get crushed soon and the public grows some backbone to challenge them. We are wasting precious time and resources figuring out that we need to wipe these politicians out and get some normal people in, with the best interest of our nation in mind.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The First Ballerina, Scorpio, Hamster Owning, Texan, Transgender Native American

The Democratic use of Identity Politics is disgusting. Kamala Harris is being touted as breaking the glass ceiling as a woman, black, and asian... in reality she is just an authoritarian, corporate centrist. Even if you wanted to spin that this is a "watershed" moment, you can't...she was not voted in by the American people...she was appointed by a white man for cynical electoral reasons. In this time of UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS... we're still running candidates on these vapid, superficial qualities and personality traits. I'm not even sure this Biden ticket is as good as Hillary Clinton's...and that was a horrible ticket. The Establishment never provides substance...only spits in the eyes of the unbearable. The Left's base is accepting a lot of punishment because they recognize how dangerous Trump is...but there is a limit to human dignity...and if you pass it, people will go Scorched Earth. The Democrats have also been cynically using Identity to co-opt the energy of the Left...we've seen Sunrise Movement/Democratic Socialists eat their own due to false sexual allegations, Black Lives Matter constantly derailed from TRUE Policy Reform to symbolic gestures of Kente Cloth and kneeling... Nina Turner correctly assessed this situation...feeding us Trump/Pence is like eating a bowl of shit, and feeding us Biden/Harris is like eating a half a bowl of shit.

Substantive change is losing, the Earth is losing, Humanity is losing; we're being sucked into a giant Bread & Circus machine. Wake up people, the Establishment is literally killing you, impoverishing you, dividing you, distracting you, and brainwashing you. Break away from Identity, break away from Tribes, break away from rhetoric and symbolism. Form a real, logically consistent, evidence supported, ethically sound ideology...and follow it with Principle.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Doomsday Clock Ticks On

Having listened to several interviews with people close to Biden...I'm scared how McCarthyist they seem to be. Despite Chomsky and many others so scared about a Trump nuclear war (and there is reason to be concerned with such an ignorant person in charge)...but I'm not convinced Biden is much more safe. His foresight on corruption, racial justice, crime, the Iraq War, global trade...has been abysmal...he's been wrong on just about everything he's touched. While we might have gotten a glimpse of his foreign policy with his time with Obama...I'm very concerned that he has hawkish tendencies and along with this anti-leftist/Red Scare bent in his circle...he may be a bull in a china shop on foreign policy.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
