Friday, August 21, 2020

Yes We Can

"Let's Make America Great Again" – Ronald Reagan
"It's Morning Again in America" – Ronald Reagan
"Read My Lips, No New Taxes" – George H. W. Bush
"For People, for a Change" – Bill Clinton
"It's Time to Change America" – Bill Clinton
"Putting People First" – Bill Clinton
"It's the economy, stupid" – Bill Clinton
"Stand by the President" – George H. W. Bush
"A Proud Tradition" – George H. W. Bush
"America First" – Pat Buchanan
"Building a bridge to the twenty-first century" – Bill Clinton
"Leadership for the New Millennium" – Al Gore
"Prosperity and Progress" – Al Gore
"A Safer World and a More Hopeful America" – George W. Bush
"Let America Be America Again" – John Kerry
"Yes We Can" – Barack Obama
"We are the ones we've been waiting for" – Barack Obama
"Change We Can Believe In" – Barack Obama
"Hope and Change" - Barack Obama
"Country First" – John McCain
"Forward" – Barack Obama
"Restore Our Future" – Mitt Romney
"Restore America Now" – Ron Paul
"Make America Great Again!" – Donald Trump (Reagan Redo)
"I'm With Her" – Hillary Clinton
"Stronger Together" – Hillary Clinton
"A Future To Believe In" – Bernie Sanders
"Not me. Us." – Bernie Sanders
”Build back better”  – Joe Biden

The Platitudes flow eternal...progress never comes. We keep letting these cowards and charlatans give us false promises and deceitful narratives. They aren't even creative or original...we are so dumb we fall for it anyway. If they can capture you with cheap catch-phrases, we're's too easy. We must improve our Critical Thinking skills...we must improve our knowledge of our reality and of history. If we don't/can't rise above propaganda and cheap psychological tricks...we are enslaved until the day we go extinct. Listen up, nobody is coming to save you...improve yourself, organize yourselves, and improve society, now.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
