Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The First Ballerina, Scorpio, Hamster Owning, Texan, Transgender Native American

The Democratic use of Identity Politics is disgusting. Kamala Harris is being touted as breaking the glass ceiling as a woman, black, and asian... in reality she is just an authoritarian, corporate centrist. Even if you wanted to spin that this is a "watershed" moment, you can't...she was not voted in by the American people...she was appointed by a white man for cynical electoral reasons. In this time of UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS... we're still running candidates on these vapid, superficial qualities and personality traits. I'm not even sure this Biden ticket is as good as Hillary Clinton's...and that was a horrible ticket. The Establishment never provides substance...only spits in the eyes of the unbearable. The Left's base is accepting a lot of punishment because they recognize how dangerous Trump is...but there is a limit to human dignity...and if you pass it, people will go Scorched Earth. The Democrats have also been cynically using Identity to co-opt the energy of the Left...we've seen Sunrise Movement/Democratic Socialists eat their own due to false sexual allegations, Black Lives Matter constantly derailed from TRUE Policy Reform to symbolic gestures of Kente Cloth and kneeling... Nina Turner correctly assessed this situation...feeding us Trump/Pence is like eating a bowl of shit, and feeding us Biden/Harris is like eating a half a bowl of shit.

Substantive change is losing, the Earth is losing, Humanity is losing; we're being sucked into a giant Bread & Circus machine. Wake up people, the Establishment is literally killing you, impoverishing you, dividing you, distracting you, and brainwashing you. Break away from Identity, break away from Tribes, break away from rhetoric and symbolism. Form a real, logically consistent, evidence supported, ethically sound ideology...and follow it with Principle.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
