Hey media, please stop... we don't need your minority / gay / trans / impoverished, (insert more Identities here) character to create absurd stories that STEAL from the actual experiences/struggles of REAL people. I mean it's a good psychological trick... "hey, she's not just a super hot girl in spandex, she's a lesbian, feminist, freedom fighter! yeah, that's the ticket! please, let us sell sex for a few more decades..." Give it a rest. If you're going to use sex to sell shit, at least be honest about it, and stop trying to run a psy-op on the public... that's why they are so confused and cognitively dissonant. Stop suggesting a lack of religiosity is a lack of morality, it's almost always the opposite. Stop telling us that our unsustainable economic practices are the "end of history" and that anything that deviates is some scary "other" something, something, Communist, government is coming for you, conspiracy, baby eaters, (insert tribal fear tactic here).
Bottom line, there is no replacement for skilled storytelling that make people critically think about important topics. There is no replacement for actual wisdom and diligently reasoned ethics...you can't just ask any old writer to manufacture it for you, or any old supermodel to communicate it. I know our society runs purely on profit-motive these days, but it really bugs me that we THINK it doesn't. We think our news anchors tells us truths, we think our traditions give us good morals, we think our systems are proven and functioning...the reality is we are in free-fall on all fronts.