Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trump's "Sedition"

Hey (every media personality)... SAVE IT. Trump has been unhinged from the very start. Stop pretending like -all of a sudden- he's crossed some line that nobody could have seen coming. You didn't learn when we found out he was a serial sexual predator? How about when he used his power to enrich himself? No? How about when he assassinated the top general of a sovereign nation without being at war? How about when he said we'd steal the resources of countries we were supposed to be helping? How about when he became the face of the White Supremacists movement? How about when he used nationalist rhetoric and authoritarianism to bully our government and anyone who dissented? How about when he murdered hundreds of thousands of people, via Corona Virus, through negligence and apathy?

The sad truth is Trump is a mob boss, and 90% of our "leaders" are in the mob with him. If you've only just woken up to this truth you've been grossly negligent...YOU are part of the problem. Before Trump set one foot inside the White House, every sane person knew he was unfit to be there...and everyone who allowed him to actually have the power, have his finger on the button, etc.... you all have the worst judgment imaginable.

Life isn't a game, and if you treat it as one you are GOING to make horrible-irreversible decisions. The environment isn't a game, war isn't a game, human suffering isn't a game... it's not about tribes, personalities, scores... it's about REAL outcomes, real suffering, real damage. If this one day of rioting at the Capitol was your awakening, splash some more cold water on your face because it's likely you've been sleeping on much more than this subject. Make today the day you start questioning EVERYTHING in your life.

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I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
