Sunday, February 7, 2021

Why People Do Things

When someone lies, for instance, there is a wide range of reasoning people give to explain why. Some try to make it an ideological thing...that some people believe in lying and some don't (like many economists/economic philosophers). Some people try to make it a biological thing...that some gene or hormone definitely is the reason. For all practical purposes though, it's really simple, people lie when it's too difficult not to.

If people would just extend this reasoning to most human behavior, I think we'd realize that there really aren't all these ideological or "good vs evil" battles going's individuals with various stressors, states of health and being, and environmental circumstances...that all pressure people to act the way they do. Thinking in these irrational false-dichotomies just drives us further into tribalism and conflict.

Recently, there has been a lot of nonsense talk about "unity" but nobody is really talking about what that means.
If we want REAL unity we must:
  • Align ourselves with REALITY, learn about evidence-based beliefs, reason, and logic.

  • We must accept that we aren't all that fundamentally different from each other (we have to stop all eugenics-type thinking), and focus on our SHARED needs and goals.

  • We need to stop judging people on made-up, biased, selfish scales of what is in the range of normal human preference and behavior, especially behavior that only affects themselves. On the other side, we must START punishing people for harming masses of people, destroying public health, inciting violence, implementing detrimental societal policies, or starting unnecessary, non-defensive wars.

  • We must stop creating ego-driven, zero-sum institutions, and create systems that take care of our basic needs, allow us to make mistakes and grow, and generate the highest possibility of everyone reaching their maximum potential and contributing to society.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
