As we have seen with the Supreme Court striking down women's reproductive rights, we can't continue to leave laws to be endlessly interpret-able. When societies were less complex, having ambiguous and flexible laws that could be shoehorned to fit the time (like the U.S. Constitution) more or less worked. Now, with an ever more globally interconnected society (and with plenty of documented history about the intricacies of power, corruption, manipulation, and intentionality), we must begin a phase of civilization in which our laws are JUSTIFIED, not just proclaimed and "interpreted." We must agree that laws are there to do something VERY specific, and they must prove through reason, evidence, and in PRACTICE, that they achieve their stated purpose. We must make Government a tool of the people, not special interests. It must be mandated to, and empowered to, serve the good of the people... not corporations, not the rich and powerful, not a certain ethnicity, gender, or religion... but the greater good of all people.
Saturday, July 16, 2022
Codification Of Wisdom
As we have seen with the Supreme Court striking down women's reproductive rights, we can't continue to leave laws to be endlessly interpret-able. When societies were less complex, having ambiguous and flexible laws that could be shoehorned to fit the time (like the U.S. Constitution) more or less worked. Now, with an ever more globally interconnected society (and with plenty of documented history about the intricacies of power, corruption, manipulation, and intentionality), we must begin a phase of civilization in which our laws are JUSTIFIED, not just proclaimed and "interpreted." We must agree that laws are there to do something VERY specific, and they must prove through reason, evidence, and in PRACTICE, that they achieve their stated purpose. We must make Government a tool of the people, not special interests. It must be mandated to, and empowered to, serve the good of the people... not corporations, not the rich and powerful, not a certain ethnicity, gender, or religion... but the greater good of all people.
Monday, June 13, 2022
Religion Is Not Benign
First, just to vent a little, I want to translate what a reasonable person (i.e. Atheist) hears when a religious person says something like: "I'm being serious, I believe Jesus is my lord and savior, and through faith I hope to be judged worthy of heaven"
"I'm being serious, if you spank enough naughty leprechauns, someday you will be able to ride the magical unicorn to OZ"
You may think I'm just being facetious, but in terms of how ridiculous it sounds to us... it's an accurate account of the "feel."
Okay, so on to why this matters... reality matters. If you believe that nothing in the physical world matters, only the "spiritual," maybe you don't care about Climate Action. If you believe that God will judge and sort people out in the end... creating fair and just societies don't matter. If you believe "faith" is the most important "lesson" to teach children... you don't teach them to think critically, with evidence and reason; worse, you teach them that learning "from authority" is the only way to learn. ("from authority" meaning from an authoritative text [like biblical scripture] or an authority figure [like a pastor or anchorman from your favorite mainstream news station])
Being someone who's run in secular circles at points in my life, I can tell you, even IF people can break out of their religion... the breaking out of the "learning from authority" part is MUCH harder and many tend to replace religion with other self-indulgent identities... like "q-anon believer" or "white nationalist" or "elite professional-managerial class-member" or any other number of identities that are popular and acceptable in the social sphere they exist in. Leaving a religion is hard, but thinking independently, and becoming your own person, is even harder.
Bottom line, I'm tired of people treating religion as neutral... the whole "oh there are good people and bad people in religion"... NO, religion IN AND OF ITSELF is harmful. They indoctrinate children, they often have lobbyists and authoritarian political agendas, they espouse nonsense, they insulate you from other ideas/communities, and they teach you how NOT to learn.
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
The Establishment Vision For The Future
The "optimistic" version goes something like this: the world mostly works well right now, but we're moving towards an entangled and completely globalized world with Corporate structure as its basis. Nations will become less and less relevant as they simply become too economically dependent on one another to war on one another, and eventually we'll all just fracture into regional units of consumption defined by our natural resources and human capital. Eventually, all human organization will boil down to their usefulness to the supply chain and our God, the "market." Of course all "externalities" such as pollution and climate change will magically be averted, or substantially mitigated, by "innovation."
Now, there are some things in there that are appealing... I, too, believe in a world that is "interconnected," but not in the dystopian and exploitative way they envision. I, too, believe we can end war, but I believe that it should be based on cooperation, progress, and preservation, more than just fear and desperation. I, too, believe that we will evolve into more elemental regional units of human organization, but based on carrying capacity of regions and sustainability, rather than resource extraction and quantity/quality of labor. I would also point out that "innovation" isn't something that our current system produces... it happens IN SPITE of our current system, largely due to the natural understanding that education, technical and ethical progress are important for everyone... and we try to fund/grow those things despite corporate forces trying to destroy/co-opt/privatize them.
The "pessimistic" version goes something like this: we are comfortable the way things are and aren't willing to change the system in the drastic ways needed to stop climate destabilization. Therefore, we will hoard money and resources, pull away as many "ladders" behind us, because there will only be a limited number of inhabitable places in a world of 4+ degrees Celsius increase. Instead of investing in sustainability, we will invest in, and recruit for, a strong military, in anticipation of water-wars, mass migration, and massive unrest that will come due to climate change. We will glorify the military, suggest that military service is preferable to higher education... in fact we will suggest that higher education is completely useless and that seeking knowledge for its own sake is a fools errand... finding "employment" and serving your tribe is the only acceptable use of time and effort.
The biggest problem with this vision is the complete disconnection from reality; the idea that we can just continue to retreat from the destruction of our planet and ecosystem, and never really address it. It also fails to understand the horrors of war and empire... or acknowledge that perhaps we shouldn't use a "hammer" to try to fix all our problems.
Just a couple of last points: I'd like to point out that these are "visions" for those that even have them. Many of the "elite" are largely just selfish and greedy sociopaths, looking for the easiest buck, with no real ideology or vision at all. The good thing is, the latter can largely be defeated with simple legislation/policy changes; banning private money from elections/governance and heavily penalizing bribery/corrupt activities will be enough to drive them to find profit through easier means. The difficult fight is against the truly ideological Corporatists... the ones willing to buy media empires and change the narratives for generations. We must have a sound vision of a healthy society, so we know where we want to go. We must also "know thine enemy" and the narratives they want to indoctrinate everyone with, so we can fight them effectively.
Monday, March 28, 2022
How The "Culture War" Can Exist
The Mainstream Media is unreliable, we get nuggets of facts without proper context, at BEST, and complete propaganda (usually corporate, but sometimes government) on the regular. The "alternative" is usually Social Media, which has a few truth tellers... but mainly a mix of corporate censorship/social manipulation, self-inflicted Echo Chambers, propaganda, and lots of ego. Take all of this together and we get a world where the public has no reliable source of facts... so what is left to inform our decisions, to prioritize actions on... feelings. When facts become too hard to access, the world becomes a "choose your own adventure" of beliefs, conspiracies, and heavily biased/manufactured priorities. Nothing and everything is real.
1) We need News/Media that is Publicly Funded and has no profit motive.
2) We need a new "Public Square", it can be digital but it must be free from Big Tech censorship/manipulation. We must create a space where robust discussions can take place with a focus on actual Problem Solving, not virtue signalling, not manufactured crises, not selling clicks.
3) As a Civilization, we must prioritize Scientific Consensus. We are always in a state of learning, but we must go on the BEST data/evidence, the HIGHEST state of understanding we have access to. We must all adopt a Bayesian Worldview, learning to live with uncertainty, but accepting that some things are more likely than others.
Friday, March 4, 2022
Evolutionary Law
Monday, February 21, 2022
Under-Representation Cannonized
I was reading the Anti-Federalist Papers (a fascinating discussion, in document form, about the strengths and weaknesses of the Constitution), and in Section 23 Brutus 3 they make a number of good points. They note that a fixed number of representatives per state in the Senate is nonsense, especially since the powers of the Senate are so immense; also that the amount of representatives in the Assembly (i.e. House of Representatives) is sorely insufficient (even at that time, when population was MUCH lower) to represent a country as large and diverse as the United States. Furthermore, they mention that this dynamic makes the system likely to produce an elite aristocracy... who will in short order control the whole thing.
Note: They did not even know that later the U.S. would pass the Permanent Apportionment Act which locks the number of representatives at 435.
Think about that, the founders said there should be one representative for each 30,000 citizens (which was only half the representation the English at that time enjoyed)... we are now at over 767,000 citizens per house representative, and the Senate grows ever more powerful. We were warned all the way back BEFORE the Constitution was even made law, that UNDER-REPRESENTATION and CORRUPT ARISTOCRACY would likely be outcomes... nothing was done... in fact laws to WORSEN the problem were enacted.
We now exist in a state where under-representation is codified and worsens every year... and wealthy elites can easily buy the few "representatives" allowed to exist. This cannot be allowed to continue, we MUST AMEND THIS.
"They should be satisfied that those who represent them are men of integrity, who will pursue the good of the community with fidelity; and will not be turned aside from their duty by private interest, or corrupted by undue influence; and that they will have such a zeal for the good of those whom they represent, as to excite them to be diligent in their service; but it is impossible the people of the United States should have sufficient knowledge of their representatives, when the numbers are so few, to acquire any rational satisfaction on either of these points. The people of this state will have very little acquaintance with those who may be chosen to represent them; a great part of them will, probably, not know the characters of their own members, much less that of a majority of those who will compose the foederal assembly; they will consist of men, whose names they have never heard, and whose talents and regard for the public good, they are total strangers to; and they will have no persons so immediately of their choice so near them, of their neighbours and of their own rank in life, that they can feel themselves secure in trusting their interests in their hands."
-Brutus IV
Friday, February 18, 2022
A Case Study In Failing Systems (Police)
Let me first preface this with a disclaimer: I'm gonna talk trash about police, but I don't want to imply that all police officers are bad, some are true heroes. Let me also say that society puts FAR TOO MUCH BURDEN ON POLICE, they are tasked with dealing with every problem that slips through the cracks... from poverty and homelessness, to mental illness, to domestic abuse, to drug addiction... it is TOO MUCH for them to handle when the larger system is so fundamentally flawed that these "externalities" are incredibly ubiquitous. That said, it's also not "one bad apple," the INSTITUTION of policing is definitely trash, and the institution is what we are mostly concerned with.
Addendum: Civil Asset ForfeitureWhat is that? That is when they police are allowed to steal anything you have when you are in the process of committing a crime. Your kid sells some pot out of your garage, they can steal your house and vehicle; uncle Joe borrows your car and picks up a prostitute, they can take your car; in fact Civil Asset Forfeiture STEALS more money than the value of all the actual reports of theft in some years.
Note: Recently in the news, a rape victim had her RAPE KIT used to identify her DNA so they could arrest her for an unrelated property crime... meanwhile, rape kits are piling up and are going uninvestigated; sometimes we live in a dystopia Lex Luthor would blush at.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Comfort With Ambiguity, Conspiracy, And COVID
Monday, January 24, 2022
An Age Without Heroes
It is quite ironic that we live in the disney-superhero era of media, when it's precisely the time when we should be evolving beyond heroes. For all of recorded history we've lived with this story of "the hero's journey"... it infects every social identity and institution... from military glory-seeking-battle/metal-tested-character-building warriors, to risk-taking entrepreneurs, to holy prophets, to pop icons. Heroes are a myth, a fictional archetype we can not and should not strive to mimic.
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Head In Sand
I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
If you are reading this, you are probably old enough to have "seen" the end of the Great Barrier Reef. No really, think about it.....
Capitalists constantly say they believe that capitalism generates so much "innovation" or something similar. It is true in one sen...
As we have seen with the Supreme Court striking down women's reproductive rights, we can't continue to leave laws to be endlessly in...