Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Joke That Is Legal Precedent

The "legal scholars" that argue that Impeaching Trump would create a bad legal precedent are deluded. Precedent means NOTHING in the age of Trump...does anyone really believe that if you acquit Trump, the Republicans would NOT try to Impeach a Democratic president for spurious reasons? If so, you are a dupe. They argue whichever position is beneficial with no sense of hypocrisy or shame. I'm not a Schiff fan but what he said about "Truth Matters"...was correct, if we don't base things on Truth...precedent means nothing. Unilateral Disarmament of truth-tellers is only going to allow the liars to win, we need to play tit-for-tat sometimes, we must punish wrong, we must serve justice, and this fake civility of "taking the high road" leads to failure. When everyone is playing by the rules, then yes, we can return to setting good "precedent"...but until then we need to hold corrupt people accountable.

The Weaponization Of Self-Hate

I've been listening to work by Yasha Levine on the weaponization of immigrants against their native nations. Once he pointed it out, I realize I've seen it so many times but I just thought it was coincidence...and now I realize it's a conscious and proactive strategy. I mean I've known about "self-hate" for a long time, but I've always thought about it as an unfortunate personal problem...but now that he's pointed out various examples, I realize their conclusions are not random...they all seem to end up pushing the narratives of the elite class.

From the "End Of History" narrative, to Hispanic women voting for Trump, to every one of Sam Harris's friends... People who have been abused in other countries are weaponized to advance U.S. empire narratives. We definitely need to start realizing that this is happening and stop letting one wrong, justify the perpetuation of other wrongs. We need to identify ROOT causes and make Structural changes.

Check his work out at:

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Death Of Star Trek

With the release of Star Trek Picard, it's official...Star Trek is dead. They've lost all the spirit of the series...the hope of a better future, the philosophical and ethical questioning, the desire to improve the audience who watches it. They've given up that spirit for cheap and cheesy space-fantasy-drama. Everything inspiring in media has become escape and delusion. Not a vision of a beautiful future, but a dark reflection of our dying civilization.

Some may think I'm being overly critical but you can't create a beautiful society if you can't even envision it. If all we ever dream of are dystopian futures, that's what we'll get...replicas of the current failed paradigm but with better technology. The guardians of the status quo will win because they've bought all the media our youth watch. We see it in the "Comic-book hero universes," notions of service and sacrifice, replaced with ego and "might makes right." Star Wars, which was always a bit pseudo-religious, but at least centered on the principles of balance and perpetuity...now is just pure fantasy, cosmetic fan-service. Now this disaster, a series that has inspired generations of scientists and people who reach for a sustainable and healthy future...now reduced to another piece of Hollywood drama intellectual property.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Corporate Disobedience

Activists like to talk about "Civil Disobedience" and "shutting it down." Censorship on social media, divestment from financial institutions...we have ample opportunities to stop participating in activities that harm us and the planet...but we can't even muster that. How many people say "I know Facebook censors stuff...but omg I how will I get pictures from my family"...what chance is there at mass civil disobedience when people today can't even be slightly inconvenienced and do some slight Corporate Disobedience? We aren't serious, and we're getting the world we allow.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

CNN & Warren

Warren has trouble in the polls, and days before a debate...CNN goes all in on the childish notion that Bernie Sanders is a misogynist, with Warren playing coy. Then, as expected, on the debate stage they throw this garbage at Sanders as a question. After the debate, Warren, knowing she is mic'd, goes up to Sanders and begins accusing him of lying...

I've never seen a plot so deviously orchestrated. I never thought Elizabeth Warren would weaponize identity politics, and stoop so low so as to pollute her "woman card" with this nonsense. She is a smart and eloquent woman, it's so disappointing that when pressure was applied this was her tactic...it didn't help her and it says something dark about what she is capable of. Some may ask, why I'm being so hard on HER...because of the facts on the ground. Anyone who has followed the both of them knows Bernie asked HER to run in 2016 and was perfectly willing to take a back seat to her candidacy, so he obviously believes in women. Similarly, when he lost to Hilary Clinton in the 2016 primaries...he relentlessly supported her...he went to 60ish rallies for her and spoke 30ish times for her on the campaign trail. He has unambiguously supported women candidates up and down the ticket. His voting record for women's rights is near perfect across decades, this accusation is just not believable.

Now, let's get to the facts of the matter, is it possible Sanders said some combination of words that approximate "it is impossible for a woman to win the presidency in X situation"...maybe, but Warren knows he is not a misogynist and she knows that she is insinuating that he is with this public statement...especially with the Media's absolutely spurious account of how he ran his 2016 campaign and their obsession with calling his supporters "Bernie Bros."

In summary, I'm disappointed in Warren and I'm FURIOUS with CNN...they are continuously dishonest, completely shameless, and an absolute embarrassment to the field of journalism.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Left" and "Right" means NOTHING

Pulosi is scheduling the Impeachment exactly during the first several, and very crucial, Primary periods to screw the senators running...Bernie and Warren (i.e. they will be obligated to be in a trial during prime campaigning period). When she drops it during this period, you will know what her intentions are. The Neo-liberals will fight Progressives harder than Republicans, and when they absolutely find out they can't win...they will pretend we're all family. Know thine enemies. You can't rely on "D" or "R" as the extent of your critical thought...we need a new, brilliant, uncorrupted Congress, that will implement METHODOLOGICAL changes to prevent Money-Interests, Partisanship and corruption. We need sweeping, STRUCTURAL changes, especially to our economic and war policies.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The War On Assyria

Is it just me or do the countries the U.S. wants war with (known as the WesClark-Seven)...outline the area that made up the ancient civilization of Assyria? This isn't the only area on Earth with oil...and considering the U.S. has its own considerable reserves...and the fact that if used, climate change will destroy us...I have to think there might be other reasons for wanting to destroy these countries. Another possibility is the bigotry towards Muslims...but again, these aren't the only places where Muslims live and U.S. is allied with even more extremist Muslims in many cases (*cough* Saudi Arabia), so I find it hard to believe this is the reason. My final conspiracy contemplation is that they want to erase all former grand civilizations and cultures...so they can preach their "End of History/One Sole Superpower" nonsense narrative. Given the large and horrendous surfacing of White Nationalism in recent times, and their neurotic impulse to have "culture wars"...it just might be possible that these insane people could want war for such a petty reason.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

War Between Iran And U.S.

If a war is started...it's completely pointless and idiotic. There is NO reason to go to war other than ego. The media just keeps goading both sides to escalate...mindlessness. War is a senseless, wasteful, and negative-sum activity. Just don't do it.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Defining Yourself By Your Oppression

    Some feminists are making the same mistakes many atheists make...they are trying to break free from some oppressive force by defining themselves as merely opponents of it. Being free of religion doesn't consist of merely being anti-religion, being free of religion is being able to treat it as the delusion it is. You empower something if you merely oppose it, you must EXPOSE it.
    On that same note, feminism today often takes the form of constant proclamation of independence from men and having women do "masculine" things to prove their "strength"...but you'll know when it's truly internalized when they are INDIFFERENT to men.

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