Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Joke That Is Legal Precedent
The "legal scholars" that argue that Impeaching Trump would create a bad legal precedent are deluded. Precedent means NOTHING in the age of Trump...does anyone really believe that if you acquit Trump, the Republicans would NOT try to Impeach a Democratic president for spurious reasons? If so, you are a dupe. They argue whichever position is beneficial with no sense of hypocrisy or shame. I'm not a Schiff fan but what he said about "Truth Matters"...was correct, if we don't base things on Truth...precedent means nothing. Unilateral Disarmament of truth-tellers is only going to allow the liars to win, we need to play tit-for-tat sometimes, we must punish wrong, we must serve justice, and this fake civility of "taking the high road" leads to failure. When everyone is playing by the rules, then yes, we can return to setting good "precedent"...but until then we need to hold corrupt people accountable.
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Head In Sand
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