Thursday, January 28, 2021

Public Spaces

I've been advocating for new, truth-telling media sources/social networks for the public because communication and factual information is crucial. No doubt our "electronic" spaces have come under much scrutiny and debate these last few years, and there is much work to do there. That said, we must not forget about the original "town squares"... the physical places we have forgotten and taken for granted. We need spaces for us to socialize and communicate in personal and intimate ways. This is why we need free, open, public spaces for us to relax, reflect, discuss, or connect. Safe, but not surveilled, beautiful, but not walled gardens.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Art Informs For Social Change

"Grief carves a place in the heart and sits there forever, but when focused it can be a powerful motivator; sadness becomes resolve, and pain becomes action."

- A Discovery Of Witches

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Takeaways From Inauguration Day

It's obvious the political class has learned NOTHING these last few years. The democrats vomit platitudes, ceremony, and elitist decorum...the republicans spew delusional lies, fundamentalism, and complete selfish indulgence.

By the way, if you haven't learned by now, "Unity" means the cowardly democrats will concede massive amounts of power and policy to corporations and republicans.

Jingoism, anthems, poems, ceremony... wasteful, meaningless gestures and performance. If these events are any indication, that is what we'll likely see for the next four years. I am VERY open to being proved wrong... but we're being given no reason to have a lot of hope.

Enjoy the first 100 days; Biden will likely use his executive orders to try to project competency, and be the most productive of his term.

Beyond that, the people need to leap light-years in understanding and maturity, massively organize, put their bodies on the gears of the machine, and choose leaders who will do what's right and needed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Show, Not Tell & How To Think, Not What To Think

Remember when stories used all your senses to tell stories, hinted and suggested, and inspired you to think. No longer, we are now in the age of preachy cinematic universes. Now, I'd actually forgive them if they did it well... I mean we just came out of 4 years of Trump, so obviously peoples intellectual and moral compasses are far from calibrated... and the "Heroes Journey" can probably be a propaganda tool for good... BUT we aren't getting good lessons, we aren't being challenged to raise the intellectual bar. No, we are being preached Identity Politics, Market Fundamentalism, and some warped post-modern, Christian-ish spiritualism.

Hey media, please stop... we don't need your minority / gay / trans / impoverished, (insert more Identities here) character to create absurd stories that STEAL from the actual experiences/struggles of REAL people. I mean it's a good psychological trick... "hey, she's not just a super hot girl in spandex, she's a lesbian, feminist, freedom fighter! yeah, that's the ticket! please, let us sell sex for a few more decades..." Give it a rest. If you're going to use sex to sell shit, at least be honest about it, and stop trying to run a psy-op on the public... that's why they are so confused and cognitively dissonant. Stop suggesting a lack of religiosity is a lack of morality, it's almost always the opposite. Stop telling us that our unsustainable economic practices are the "end of history" and that anything that deviates is some scary "other" something, something, Communist, government is coming for you, conspiracy, baby eaters, (insert tribal fear tactic here).

Bottom line, there is no replacement for skilled storytelling that make people critically think about important topics. There is no replacement for actual wisdom and diligently reasoned can't just ask any old writer to manufacture it for you, or any old supermodel to communicate it. I know our society runs purely on profit-motive these days, but it really bugs me that we THINK it doesn't. We think our news anchors tells us truths, we think our traditions give us good morals, we think our systems are proven and functioning...the reality is we are in free-fall on all fronts.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Lesson Being Taught

We have been and are doing everything we can to create peaceful change through rational discussion... but what lesson are our leaders teaching at this point? I've never seen them move so fast to meet out justice since THEIR lives were in danger. Political leaders have taken corporate money, done all the bidding of their donors, ignored and openly refused the will of the people, parties unfairly interfered in elections... and only when they feel fear for their own lives, does justice even get discussed. Only now is there serious talk of removing the President and all the Congresspeople who've been committing crime after crime. Now to be clear, the rioters in DC were unhinged maniacs, and I'm not condoning what they've done nor do I think have any legitimate grievance. But...

Hey politicians, YOU are making the case for authoritarian and/or violent practices. Those scenarios seem to be the only times things get done.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
-John F. Kennedy

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Trump's "Sedition"

Hey (every media personality)... SAVE IT. Trump has been unhinged from the very start. Stop pretending like -all of a sudden- he's crossed some line that nobody could have seen coming. You didn't learn when we found out he was a serial sexual predator? How about when he used his power to enrich himself? No? How about when he assassinated the top general of a sovereign nation without being at war? How about when he said we'd steal the resources of countries we were supposed to be helping? How about when he became the face of the White Supremacists movement? How about when he used nationalist rhetoric and authoritarianism to bully our government and anyone who dissented? How about when he murdered hundreds of thousands of people, via Corona Virus, through negligence and apathy?

The sad truth is Trump is a mob boss, and 90% of our "leaders" are in the mob with him. If you've only just woken up to this truth you've been grossly negligent...YOU are part of the problem. Before Trump set one foot inside the White House, every sane person knew he was unfit to be there...and everyone who allowed him to actually have the power, have his finger on the button, etc.... you all have the worst judgment imaginable.

Life isn't a game, and if you treat it as one you are GOING to make horrible-irreversible decisions. The environment isn't a game, war isn't a game, human suffering isn't a game... it's not about tribes, personalities, scores... it's about REAL outcomes, real suffering, real damage. If this one day of rioting at the Capitol was your awakening, splash some more cold water on your face because it's likely you've been sleeping on much more than this subject. Make today the day you start questioning EVERYTHING in your life.

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I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
