Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Great Figures?

    Everyone bleeds their heart out for the death of Steve Jobs.  He was a really great businessman, but he opposed freedom in everything he touched and promoted proprietary solutions over open solutions whenever possible.  Furthermore, many of the people that worked with him note that he was quite a tyrant.


    Dennis Ritchie died in October of 2011.  What, never heard of him?  He was the inventor of the C language...the language that just about every important piece of low-level software was designed with.  He was a co-inventor of the UNIX operating system.  Mac OS X is a pretty good OS...guess what, it runs on a UNIX foundation.  You can check out more about him here:

    I don't want to belittle the death of any one person or elevate another beyond its relevance, but this is more a commentary on our sense of priority and importance. We spend so much time hanging on every word of these arbitrary millionaires/celebrities/sports figures and turn our ears from people who produce infinitely more important ideas.

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
