Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Gaming & Media Addiction

Having grown up in the golden age of video games and open Internet, I know a thing or two about electronic addiction. However, I have to think that our current situation is oddly positioned to create the next generation of addicted kids. School is gone, virus/fires/hurricanes/chemical spills...and every other disaster has forced children indoors and parents are desperate for their independence...in comes media/video games. Hours of "respite" for parents, and "entertainment" for the kids. As if our kids weren't engulfed in electronic culture enough, now what little access/incentive there was to be outdoors is quickly shrinking.

If you are a parent right now, it's probably overwhelmingly tempting to throw your kid in front of a console or netflix...don't do it. Engage them, spur their curiosity...some game time is fine but don't let the primary influence on your children be the instant-gratification gaming and streaming corporations. If you do find the need to throw them into media/games...be SURE to teach them about "Media Literacy" and "Harmful Narratives"...they may be in a formative time in their lives, be sure they will be the "captains of their own ship."

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
