Thursday, September 10, 2020

Corporations Are Watching You Sleep

The Corporations/ultra-wealthy got their bailout during this pandemic, they've seen record wealth gain, they've had environmental restrictions lifted, they've milked the public on critical goods and services...and now the largest monopoly, Amazon, is hiring a former NSA head to crush labor-organizing in their company. Yes, our politicians made a startling comment; yes, our friends/family/colleagues are dying; yes, there is outrageous racism by police...but behind all those things is the reason nothing changes...our decision-making system has been captured by corporate interest. That really is the PRIME EVIL at this point. We've been successfully divided, and now we've lost sight of who our enemy really is...not left, right, black, white, muslim, christian...the real enemy is an abusive system.  An abusive system that arises when laws are only created to please lobbyists, when corporations are considered people and become the largest recipients of "social" or "relief" programs...when resources are dedicated to prevent corporate suffering, not human suffering...when we start believe that the ecosystem consists of "markets" and not life or nature...when humans become "customers" and "capital."

We are asleep, and the corporations/ultra-wealthy are watching. They see us not fighting back, but each other...they see us ignore policy...they see us ignore power...they see us elect "representatives" for nonsense positions on the "culture war" and ignore all the systemic root causes of our misery and destruction. Look, if we let our self-interest DROWN the bandwidth, and we forget the LARGE issues, like Environment, like Democratic Mechanisms, like Labor ...our other issues won't matter. I get it, your lived experiences are screaming to solve that thing that affects you personally... guns/bathrooms/reproductive rights/police reform/immigration/etc.... and those things ARE important, but we need to PRIORITIZE solving our EXISTENTIAL threats and fixing the Governing Mechanisms of our civilization.

Things can be done Concurrently but PRIORITY should be:
- End Corruption & Financial Capture of Government (nothing can change until we reclaim power)
- Environment (we are ALL dead if we keep destroying the planet)
- Human Health & Basic Necessities As A Right
- Everything else

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
