Despite the perception given by the idiots that run our government and our media...Corona Virus is not gone...or even appreciably better. In my area, at this moment, we have twice as many new infections per day in early September, as there was in early June. Was the Corona Virus gone in June...absolutely not. You can not will this virus will only get better with rational, medical-evidence-based, action. The conversation should not be about re-opening restaurants, not about schools can't just wait a few weeks and expect things to go away...stop pretending that ignoring the problem is a solution, it's completely moronic.
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Head In Sand
I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
If you are reading this, you are probably old enough to have "seen" the end of the Great Barrier Reef. No really, think about it.....
Capitalists constantly say they believe that capitalism generates so much "innovation" or something similar. It is true in one sen...
As we have seen with the Supreme Court striking down women's reproductive rights, we can't continue to leave laws to be endlessly in...