Friday, September 13, 2019

Universal Health Care

Here is the debate right now...

"We propose a deluxe better burger for cheaper than you currently pay for worse burgers. You can have all the same ingredients you're used to plus more."

--"How you going to pay for it? How you going to pay for it? HOW YOU GOING!!"

"Actually it's substantially cheaper than what we're paying now. It's $3 instead of $6."

--"I used to pay with a Five dollar bill plus a single One dollar bill...but now I have to use THREE One dollar bills?"

"Maybe, but it's cheaper."

--"Won't this raise the number of One dollar bills I might have to use? Why can't you just admit I might have to use MORE One dollar bills than I'm used to!"

"Look, every other good burger joint is already implementing this deal, it's not radical or new."

--"Nobody wants your Commy burger, with better ingredients...cuz...Capitalism!"

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Head In Sand

I feel like I'm in an Uber and the driver is talking to me instead of paying attention to the road... and I'm like "you almost ...
